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Peer-reviewed outputs and other publications by our team members

A few recent non-standard publications, before the list of journal articles:

Click the pdf icon for access to our report Chalk streams of the future:

The effects of climate change on biodiversity in England’s iconic river ecosystems

Published online 17 November 2022

Rachel contributed part G: The ecological effects of drought on England’s rivers to the Environment Agency Chief Scientist's Group's Review of the research and scientific understanding of drought, published in November 2023. It's available here

Kieran wrote a blog post for The Applied Ecologist based on his paper Predicting invertebrate richness and rarity in aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems, which was shortlisted for the Georgina Mace Prize 2022. It's available here.

Ro and his colleagues at INRAE, France, wrote the article Where does carbon go when a river dries? Insights from across the channel for the Freshwater Biological Association online newsletter. It's available here.

Peer-reviewed journal papers

More papers are listed on Google Scholar for ChloeKieranRachel and Ro.



Sarremejane, R., Silverthorn, T., Arbaretaz, A., Truchy, A., Barthélémy, N., López-Rojo, N., Foulquier, A., Simon, L., Pella, H., Singer, G. and Datry, T. (2024), Drying and fragmentation drive the dynamics of resources, consumers and ecosystem functions across aquatic-terrestrial habitats in a river network. Oikos e10135.

Open access


Datry, T., Boulton, A.J., Fritz, K., Stubbington, R., Cid, N., Crabot, J. and Tockner, K., 2023. Non-perennial segments in river networks. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 815-830. 

View only


Datry, T., Truchy, A., Olden, J.D., Busch, M.H., Stubbington, R., Dodds, W.K., Zipper, S., Yu, S., Messager, M.L., Tonkin, J.D. and Kaiser, K.E., 2023. Causes, responses, and implications of anthropogenic versus natural flow intermittence in river networks. BioScience, 73, 9-22. 

Open access

Haase, P., Bowler, D.E., Baker, N.J., Bonada, N., Domisch, S., Garcia Marquez, J.R., Heino, J., Hering, D., Jähnig, S.C., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Stubbington, R. et al. 2023. The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature, 620, 582-588.

Open access

Messager, M.L., Olden, J.D., Tonkin, J.D., Stubbington, R., Rogosch, J.S., Busch, M.H., Little, C.J., Walters, A.W., Atkinson, C.L., Shanafield, M. and Yu, S., 2023. A metasystem approach to designing environmental flows.  BioScience, 73, 643-662.

Open access


DelVecchia, A.G., Shanafield, M., Zimmer, M.A., Busch, M.H., Krabbenhoft, C.A., Stubbington, R., Kaiser, K.E., Burrows, R.M., Hosen, J., Datry, T. and Kampf, S.K., 2022. Reconceptualizing the hyporheic zone for nonperennial rivers and streams. Freshwater Science, 41.

Open access

Gething, K.J., Hayes, C., Webb, J.R., Sykes, T., England, J. and Stubbington, R., 2022. Living on the edge: predicting invertebrate richness and rarity in disturbance‐prone aquatic–terrestrial ecosystems. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3, e12196.

Open access

Milner, V.S., Dutton, J.S. and Hayes, C., 2022. Colonisation of terrestrial vegetation in an intermittent river: Diversity responses to seasonal drying. River Research and Applications.

Open access

Stubbington, R., Sarremejane, R., Laini, A., Cid, N., Csabai, Z., England, J., Munné, A., Aspin, T., Bonada, N., Bruno, D. and Cauvy‐Fraunie, S., 2022. Disentangling responses to natural stressor and human impact gradients in river ecosystems across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59: 537–548.

Open access

Webb, J.R., Gething, K.J., Kratz, C.C., England, J., Drewitt, A.L. and Stubbington, R., 2022. A standardized multi‐method survey to enhance characterization of riparian invertebrate communities. Water and Environment Journal, 36: 425–432.

Open access



Blackman, R.C., Altermatt, F., Foulquier, A., Lefébure, T., Gauthier, M., Bouchez, A., Stubbington, R., Weigand, A.M., Leese, F. and Datry, T., 2021. Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19: 574583.

Open access 

Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R., England, J. Sefton, C., Parry, S., Eastman, M. and Ruhi, A. 2021. Drought increases aquatic invertebrate metapopulation extinction risk by synchronizing local responses in river networks. Global Change Biology, 27: 4024–4039. 

Not open access - email rachel.stubbington[a] to ask for a copy

Westwood, C.G., England, J., Hayes, C., Johns, T. and Stubbington, R. 2021. The Plant Flow Index: a new method to assess the hydroecological status of intermittent rivers. Ecological Indicators, 120: 106964.

Open access



Bunting, G., England, J., Gething, K., Sykes, T., Webb, J. and Stubbington, R. 2020. Aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate community responses to drying in chalk streams. Water and Environment Journal, 39: 225–241.

Open access

Sarremejane, R., England, J., Sefton, C. E. M., Parry, S., Eastman, M. and Stubbington, R. 2020. Local and regional drivers influence how aquatic community diversity, resistance and resilience vary in response to drying. Oikos, 129: 1877–1890.

Open access

Stubbington, R., Acreman M., Acuña, V., Boon, P. J., Boulton, A. J., England, J., Gilvear, D., Sykes, T. and Wood, P. J. 2020. Ecosystem services of dry temporary streams differ among regions with contrasting climates and economies. People and Nature, 2: 660–677

Open access


Westwood, C.G., England, J., Johns, T. & Stubbington, R. 2020. A revised classification of southern English groundwater-fed headwaters based on their flora. Water and Environment Journal, 34: 573–585.

Not open access - email rachel.stubbington[a] to ask for a copy



England, J., Chadd, R., Dunbar, M.J., Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R., Westwood, C.G. and Leeming, D. 2019. An invertebrate-based index to characterize ecological responses to flow intermittence in rivers. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 193: 93–117.

Open access

Mathers, K., Stubbington, R., Leeming, D., Westwood, C.G and England J. 2019. Structural and functional responses of macroinvertebrate assemblages to long-term flow variability and drying at perennial and non-perennial sites. Ecohydrology e2112.

Open access

Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R., Dunbar, M. J., Westwood, C. G. and England, J. 2019. Biological indices to characterize community responses to drying in streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes. Ecological Indicators, 107: 105620

Open access

Stubbington, R., Paillex, A., England, J., Barthès, A., Bouchez, A., Rimet, F., Sánchez-Montoya, M., Westwood, C. G. and Datry, T. 2019. Biotic groups as indicators of dry-phase ecological quality assessments in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Ecological Indicators, 97: 165174.

Open access



Stubbington, R., Chadd, R., Cid, N., Csabai, Z., Miliša, M., Morais, M., Munné, A., Pařil, P., Pešić, V., Tziortzis, I., Verdonschot, R. C. M. and Datry, T. 2018. Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments. Science of the Total Environment 618: 1096-1113.

Open access


Stubbington, R., England, J., Sefton, C. and Wood, P. J. 2017. Temporary streams in temperate zones: recognizing, monitoring and restoring transitional aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs): Water 4: e1223.

Open access


Other publications

Shuker, L., Gething, K.J., Hayes, C. and England, J. 2023. The Modular River Survey and its application in ecological studies. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 4-8. Available at: 

Biondi, G., Gething, K.J., Kabir, J., Sykes, T. and Stubbington, R., 2022. The invertebrate biodiversity in the hidden headwater springs and streams of the southern Chalk. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 85: 811. Available at:​ 


Stubbington, R., England, J., Pickwell, A. and Walker-Holden, E., 2022. Between dry rocks and a hard place: detecting ecological responses to human impacts in stream communities altered by natural drying. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 84: 1314. Available at:


England, J., Westwood, C., House, A, Hayes, C. and Stubbington, R. 2021. Using plant communities to characterise

biotic response to drying in chalk stream headwaters. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 81: 8–15. Available at: 

Gething, K.J., Sykes, T., Biondi, G., Macadam, C. and Stubbington, R., 2021. Ditching misconceptions: rare temporary stream specialists in artificial habitats. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 83: 1418. Available at:

Sarremejane, R., Stubbington, R. and England, J. 2018. Dry rivers: it’s time to recognize their natural value. FBA News: the Freshwater Biological Association newsletter, 75: 6–9. Available at:

Stubbington, R., England, J., Acreman, M., Wood, P.J., Westwood, C., Boon, P., Mainstone, C., Macadam, C., Bates, A., House, A, Jorda-Capdevila, D. 2018. The Natural Capital of Temporary Rivers: Characterising the value of dynamic aquatic-terrestrial habitats. Valuing Nature. Natural Capital Synthesis Report VNP12.

Open access

Publications: CV

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