Research to inform effective management of temporary streams as dynamic aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems

Our research focuses on the ecological communities in river and stream ecosystems, in particular temporary streams: dynamic ecosystems that shift between wet and dry states. As well as collecting new field data, we use extensive existing datasets to explore long-term patterns across spatial scales. We foster partnerships with industry scientists to ensure our theoretical advances are used to inform practical management of dynamic streams. We collaborate with ecologists, hydrologists and other environmental scientists from Nottingham Trent University, the UK, and around the world, to ensure integrated progress towards our shared goals: to advance the science and inform the management of dynamic stream ecosystems.
We meet (nearly) every Thursday at 17:00 UK time. 'Contact us' if you'd like to join us to talk about temporary river science and management.
Top photo: River Manifold, Staffs, UK. Photo credit:Tory Milner